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(This is a general category. Other types of agate are included in listings below with somewhat similar characteristics)
MOHS 6.5 – 7
Rebalancing and Harmonizing
Cleanses and stabilizes the body, mind, and spirit. Eliminates and transforms negativity. A stone of fortune.
MOHS 6 - 6.5
The “Hope Stone”
Inspires speaking with confidence and manifesting desires and wishes. Helps open up communication. Restores inner peace.
Purification and Connection
Focuses serenity, understanding, trust and grace. Connection to spiritual and the divine. Grounding and calming.
Fossil. Ancient Life Force Energy.
Strength, perseverance, and longevity. Helps us learn from the past so we can grow and change.
MOHS 4.5 – 5
Stone of Truth
Beautiful, joyful, light-giving crystal. Creates a connection between the physical and spiritual realms and promotes introspection. Release self-doubt and recognize self-worth. Extremely high vibe crystal and is wonderful for Reiki healing. It can be used for healing and transformation. It has a strong connection to the higher realms and can be used to facilitate astral travel and remote viewing. This beautiful stone can also help to clear blockages in the chakras and open up the third eye and crown chakras.
MOHS 7.5 - 8
Happiness, Hope and Everlasting Youth
A stone of courage believed to help maintain balance and order. Aquamarine is often used as a "good luck" stone, especially for those who are at sea. Brings feelings of peace, love, joy and happiness to those who wear it. There is an energizes while encouraging harmony and balance and sharpening intuition.
MOHS 3.5 – 4
Stress and anxiety relief; infuses positivity
Helpful in removing negative thoughts allowing for a spiritual connection with more positive aspects of life.
MOHS 6.5 - 7
Rebalancing and Harmonizing
Calming - especially calms anger and absorbs and removes negativity.
MOHS 6.5 - 7
Balances negative and positive energies
Peace-loving stone that brings prosperity, levels out negative energies and enhances positivity. Brings balance to emotions and to life.
Future Manifestation
Stimulates intellect and brings clarity for turning ideas into reality. Aids communication with our spirit. Strengthens intuition and vision.
Calming, emotionally protective
Soothes and relaxes the emotional body. Enhances dreams and creativity to stimulate and express insights and great ideas. Enhances communication.
True Clarity of Voice. Spiritual Detoxification
Calming energy promotes rational thinking, spiritual awakening, and aids in clear communication. Aids the ability to see the “flow” of a situation and clear negative energies.
MOHS 4.5 - 5
Let Your Dreams Guide You
Helps in understanding dreams and accessing our minds and spirit to better understand our path. Connects to third eye and crown chakra.
MOHS 6 – 7
Sobriety stone
Opens communication skills with self and others
Aids in finding inner strength. Promotes inner peace and strengthens willpower; helping individuals overcome addiction.
Blue Onyx offers benefits for the physical body. Its energy can fortify teeth and bone marrow, ameliorate blood disorders, and address circulation issues. On top of that, it may support conditions like glaucoma, combat cell damage, and aid in healing stomach ulcers.
MOHS 6.5
Ambition and Confidence
Man-made from glass and sand quartz. May help reduce discomfort, lower pain, and inhibit inflammation. Its vibration can benefit those who suffer from arthritic conditions, bone and joint pain, and problems with circulation. Blue sandstone can assist in activating the first chakra in persons who have difficulty expressing themselves verbally. It is also used to support the third eye chakra. Working with this energy point is said to improve psychic abilities, intuition, and clarity of thought.
MOHS 6 - 7
Strengthens confidence, balances the mind and promotes perseverance. Brings truth and wisdom.
MOHS 6 - 7
Aids courage, deepens willpower and helps us overcome challenges. Encourages communication and inner peace.
Peace and Comfort
A comforting, protective stone that can soothe the lonely or bring solace to the grief-stricken. Helps find deep inner peace and serenity.
MOHS 6.5 - 7
Increase Organization & De-stress
Balance and grounding, provides mental clarity and focus. Symbolizes earth and brings love and tolerance of others.
MOHS 4-5
Positivity - Upbeat Attitude
Encourages spiritual evolution. Keeps us “buzzing” throughout our day, even in the face of negativity. Energizing and uplifting.
Stone of Calm & Balance
Healing and soothing for anxieties and stress. Helps to activate the mind and open you up to your own abilities. Aids in elevating consciousness and stabilize energy.
Inspired Confidence and Energy
A semi-precious stone that instills confident sense of self-assurance. It is the color of life, passion, and energy. It inspires; symbolizing bold energy, warmth and joy.
Emotional Balance & Grounding
Excellent for nurturing conversations and keeping moods balanced. Useful for public speaking.
MOHS 5 - 6
Very rare stone which has only been found in Siberia. Stone of Transformation. Aids the transformation of negative emotions into positive ones. A stone of inner knowledge, harnessing energies and purifying the etheric body. Popular among healers and psychics.
MOHS 6.5 - 7
Alleviates worry and stress.
Often used as a worry stone. Soothing and calming - brings relaxation. Balances yin and yang energy. Protective and grounding.
Calming, Spiritual
Combines spiritual powers of Quartz and the stress relieving properties of Amethyst, lessens resistance on the path to self-discovery. Enhances intuition and connection to spirit.
Chrysocolla is a tranquil stone associated with empowerment and teaching, often referred to as the "wise stone" or the "teaching stone." This crystal is known for its ability to calm the mind, reduce mental tension, and offer a sense of renewed strength, especially during times of change. Chrysocolla acts as a protective shield against negative energies, helping to draw off all kinds of negative vibrations.
MOHS 6 - 7
Australian Jade - Stone of the Heart
Fills the aura with strong healing energies. Activate and open heart chakra. Recognize our inner strength.
Unlock Creativity and Manifesting
Unlocks our truest desires. Use to help bring about true change or spark the imagination. Aids in focusing and doing what needs to be done to bring about positive change in our lives.
Light bringer, Amplifier, Master Healer
Amplifies the energy put into it. Known for its ability to absorb, store, and regulate the release of energy.
MOHS 6.5 - 7
Positivity and Clarity
Transforms negative energy into positive. Enhances mental function and analytical abilities. Heals inner anger, anxiety and helps relationships.
Healer of Physical and Auric Body
Enhances our emotional field and grounds the higher vibrations surrounding us. Conducts energy, clears out negativity and impacts helps bring balance.
Copper Dolomite is closely associated with the heart. It promotes love, compassion, and emotional healing. It has a very gentle energy that eases emotional wounds and creates an environment that is save for forgiveness and understanding - both of ourselves and of others. This beautiful stone helps us to open our heaerts to love and to fully believe and allow in compassion and empathy in our relationships.
Crazy Lace Agate
MOHS 6.5 - 7
"Laughter Stone"
Brings joy and absorbs emotional pain. Enhances joy, laughter, good fortune, and brings strength and courage.
MOHS 5 - 7.5
Reminds us to enjoy the simple things in life and helps us feel lighthearted. Effective for the wearer as well as those who see it.
MOHS 6.5 - 7
Stone of Plentitude - Live in the Moment
Brings abundance and the sense of fullness to all aspects of our lives. Deepening our connection to nature, it radiates the same calming energy we feel while in nature, into our everyday lives.
MOHS 5.5 - 6
To See Our Truest Self
Enhances our personal power and is believed to focus spiritual and magical power as well as intuition. Synchronizes all the chakras.
MOHS 6.5 - 7
Attract abundance and happiness
Elevate all areas of life. Enhances overall balance and happiness. Protects and supports loving energy of the heart and symbolizes gentleness and nourishment.
MOHS 6.5 - 7
Dendritic Agate is the stone of plentitude/abundance. It promotes confidence when discovering your true self and aids in meditation. It encourages feelings of peace while encouraging us to be patient and persevere. patience. Dendritic Agate has a strong connection with the Earth and helps harmonize us with our surroundings. Plume agate's patterns resemble floating clouds or feathers, reinforcing its ability to bring calm and peaceful feelings.
Dragon Blood Jasper
Adaptability and Resilience
Birthed from fire and contains enormous energy. Filled with compassion and enthusiasm. Brings creativity and courage.
MOHS 6.5
Circulation healing
High energy stone that stabilizes the body, relieves pain, and brings emotional stability. Accelerates healing in blood, anemia, and leg cramps. Brings clarity of thought, aids concentration and positive ideas.
MOHS 6.5 - 7
Connects us to our Heart
Releases deep pain that has attached to our hearts and helps us find positive pathways forward. Unblocks stuck energy caused by past trauma.
(see also individual colors of Blue Fluorite, Green, Yellow, and Purple)
Spiritual Detoxification
Aids in decision-making. Enhances the ability to see the “flow” of a situation and clear negative energies.
MOHS 6 - 6.5
Unblock and Connect.
Anti-inflammatory, aids the immune system, and locates energy blockages. Relieves discord and violent tempers. Grounding. Connects us to our higher self.
MOHS 6.5 - 7
Connection to the Ethereal
Speaks to the mind and heart, highlighting the inner beauty in all of us. Aligns with celestial energies and allows for extended connection with the ethereal.
Enhances pure love energy
Clear, pure quartz with minerals trapped inside. Considered a very spiritual stone. Transforms negative energy into positive, universal love. Balance body, mind, and spirit; enhances true love energy. Great for revival and recovery.
MOHS 6.5 - 7.5
Love and Friendship and Bravery
Symbolizes heart, blood, inner fire, and life force.
Enhances self-confidence, sexual and feminine energy and connection through true sincerity.
MOHS 5 - 6.6
Stepping forward towards our dreams
Heals emotional turmoil and trauma and encourages optimistic thoughts and feelings. Brings harmony between the solar plexus and heart chakras aiding the understanding of your wants and dreams to provide resilience and determination to pursue them.
Man-made stone. It builds energy, courage and a positive attitude. Increases drive and confidence. A gently uplifting stone, Goldstone promotes vitality. Goldstone helps to reduce stomach tension and benefits arthritic conditions.
MOHS 6.5 - 7
Rebalancing and Harmonizing
Cleanses and stabilizes the heart chakra. Eliminates and transforms negativity. Uplifts the heart and spirit. Promotes empathy.
MOHS 6.5 - 7
Prosperity and Perseverance
Reinforces leadership qualities and decisiveness. Promotes compassion and empathy. Heart Chakra.
Cleansing. Good for addiction, Spiritual Detoxification
Helps uplift heart and spirit. Brings original thought. Aids in eliminating addictive behaviors and finding higher purpose in life. Enhances the ability to see the “flow” of a situation and clear negative energies.
MOHS 6.5 - 7
Nourishes the body with loving energies, Jade strengthens a deep-rooted sense of wholeness and inner stability. Harmonizes with the heart and it expands gratitude for all that is in our lives. Jade promotes an abundance mindset and a knowing that there is plenty to go around. It teaches that a rich and full life is not measured by the amount in a bank account, but by the wealth of people and experiences shared in each and every moment.
Overcome excessive thought patterns.
Connects us to Earth. Releases and encourages creativity, action, and passion.
MOHS 6.5
Courage, confidence, and willpower
Man-made from glass and sand quartz. It can calm the mind, alleviate fatigue, enhance focus, clarity of thought, agility of thinking, and improve work and learning abilities. It also aids in manifesting desires. It instills courage, confidence, and willpower in individuals, increasing vitality and motivation.
Inspires the Heart
Associated with the heart chakra it is thought to awaken love, empathy, compassion and increase connections with others. Helps us turn negative energy into positive energy.
MOHS 5.5 - 6.5
Powerfully Grounding
Helps refocus thoughts and actions onto those that are most important. Attracts energy from the environment to propel us into our present moment so we can focus on planning for the future.
MOHS 3.5
Harness inner strength and energy
Helps us remove excess worry and stress and allows us to “stand tall” with renewed confidence and energy
MOHS 6.5 – 7
Comes in a variety of colors. Stimulates peace, serenity, and relaxation. Brings protection, security, motivation, and determination. Enhances communication and helps a team to get things done.
Promotes physical stamina, energy, and vitality
Helps those who feel emotionally, mentally or physically exhausted and burned out. Also helps to find courage and refuge in times of danger and promotes a deeper connection to the Earth.
MOHS 6.5 - 7
Prosperity - Protective Lucky Charm
Is said to bring luck and prosperity. Also used as a cleansing tool for the physical body as it balances fluids in the system. It is intuitive for emotional healing and wellbeing.
MOHS 6.5 - 7
The “Supreme Nurturer”
Sustains and supports through times of stress; brings tranquility and wholeness. Provides protection and absorbs negative energy.
A rare stone found only in the K-2 mountains of China and Pakistan
MOHS 6.5 - 7
Opens and unlocks our third eye and crown chakra. This stone helps strengthen the third eye to enhance psychic abilities on all levels (lucid dreaming, astral projection, telepathy) and assist in the opening of the crown chakra. When our crown becomes open, endless amounts of higher knowledge soon begin to spiral down within us.
MOHS 6.5 - 7
Peace, Fertility, Tranquility
Reminds us of the gift of life and our connection to all living things of the present, past & future.
MOHS6 - 6.5
Enhance mental clarity and bring about transformation. Deepens mental clarity and connection with our spirit. Especially helpful during times of change
MOHS 5 - 6
Strength, Courage, Wisdom
Symbolizes the night sky. One of the oldest spiritual stones known to man. Used by healers, priests, and royalty, for power, wisdom and stimulating psychic abilities.
MOHS 4 - 7
Uncommon. Comes from the Dominican Republic.
Wisdom of the Sea - Peace, Quiet Confidence, Clear Communication
Connects with nature and helps counteract imbalances in energy. Helps to tone the throat and aids in communication.
MOHS 6 – 6.5
Stone of wisdom in transformation
Larvikite is a stone of inner transformation that helps us better adapt to change, as well as accept and understand any benefits that may come with it. Larvikite helps us access our inner strength and strengthens personal willpower and fully protects our spiritual and physical body, including the auric field.
Strength and Ability to Take Action
Encourages honesty, banishes illusions and connects us to truth. Very connected to the physical body, credited with supporting and strengthening the spine and thigh muscles, giving us the strength to take action gracefully and powerfully. Beneficial for male fertility; stimulates and regenerates sperm count.
Harmonizing the body, mind, and soul
Brings balance and stability. Used for easing stress anxiousness and worry as well as developing inner wisdom, trust, and divine connection.
MOHS 3.5 - 4
Protection-absorbs negative
energies and pollutants from the body and the atmosphere. Balance mood swings. Opens the heart.
A Sacral Chakra and Solar Plexus stone, Maligano Jasper works with us to help let go of negative thought patterns and habits that are ready to be released. It asks us to examine the company we keep and why, while supporting us in shedding what no longer serves us along the way.
Mariam Stone (Calligraphy Stone)
MOHS 6 - 7
Powerful Protection. Calming, creates stronger connection to Earth.
Protects against negativity and relieves emotional stress. Gives the courage to speak and to have personal independence. It also protects from night-time fears.
MOHS 6 - 7
The Stone of Awakening
Helps us take a step back to summon our true potential. Consciously rise to new levels. Softens the aura and replenishes the vibratory field.
Openness and Calm
A stone of innocence and tranquility. Helps stop overwhelming emotions and aids us to view the world without preconceived ideas or prejudices.
MOHS 6 - 7
Enhances Connection to Nature
Grounding for heart, mind, and soul and aids us to live in the moment. Helps remove fear, anxiety, loneliness, and depression. Reminds us that beauty is all around us.
MOHS 6 - 6.5
Enhance Intuition and Self-Discovery
Engages upper chakras to help us tap into our intuitive spirit to better understand ourselves. Helps focus on our personal development.
MOHS 7.5 - 8
Strong Heart Stone
Fills the entire body with calming and relaxing energy, clearing negative energy and uplifting us.
MOHS 6.5 - 7
Balance Emotions - Friendships
Encourages emotional balance. Brings back to center from extremes. Fosters focus and patience during crisis.
Balance masculine and feminine energy
Shiva Lingams symbolize the Divine Creative Manifestation and help balance masculine and feminine energy in us all.
MOHS 5 - 5.5
Stone of Protection, Grounding, Spiritual Communication
Keeps creative energies free-flowing by removing negative energies from our environment.
MOHS 6.5 - 7
Healing Emotions and Relationships
Helps break down barriers in highly valued relationships. Aids communication and sparking the right chemistry within a relationship.
MOHS 5 – 6.5
Man-made stone made from glass and resin. Used to stabilize mood swings and helps to overcome tiredness. It helps you face your fears and accepting change. Opalite is a merchant stone, helping to manifest and accumulate monetary wealth. It is a business stone and encourages success in all endeavors.
MOHS 6.5 - 7
Manifest exciting possibilities!
Enhances good luck, good fortune and abundance. Called the “Whisper Stone” because the energy of this stone helps us quiet the inner, critical, judgmental voice. Mentally, emotionally, and physically, Orange Aventurine will allow you to take a sacred pause to relax and reflect.
Enhances Creativity - Energizing and Cleansing
Strongly connects to sacral chakra which is the seat of joy. Spurs us to action and connects to Divine Masculine Energy.
MOHS 6.5 - 7
Stone of Compassion
Enhances harmony, good health, good luck, restful sleep and peacefulness. Helps the body regenerate cells and tissue.
MOHS 7 - 8
Calms scattered energies.
Relieves anxiousness, worry, and fear. Helps us to set a pace for all day energy. Vibrates more powerfully when outdoors.
The Stone of Compassion
Combination of Chrysocolla, Malachite and Turquoise. Gives a powerful boost to emotional strength, courage and self-confidence. Helps dispel fears and balance our emotional energy. Promotes self-realization and opens the heart to unconditional love.
MOHS 3.5-4
Serenity that inspires inner peace, joy, healing, and hope.
A rare mineral. Possesses a tranquil vibration to pacify the mind, and alleviate anxiety. A natural stress reliever, meditating with this stone offers our minds a welcome respite and a sense of peaceful relief. This purple gem is a multitasker by definition, working in conjunction with the Third Eye Chakra to open us to our spiritual selves and our spirit guides, and also with the Heart Chakra to give us the courage to heal from past wounds and be receptive to love. It also emits a nurturing energy that resonates with all the Chakras.
Inner Balance
Activates inner balance, and aids in adjusting to current environments. Reminds us to view the world with a pure heart, passion, and positive energy.
MOHS 4-4.5
Spirituality, love, compassion, and Intuition
Purpurite is believed to enhance spiritual growth, increase intuition, and stimulate creativity. Considered to be a powerful ascension tool, bringing one’s inner self closer to the higher energies. Helps to connect with third eye and crown chakra. A stone of recovery, rescue, and forgiveness.
MOHS 6 - 6.5
Stone of dreaming - heals the healer
Increases the power of the dream state. Strengthens lucid dreaming and promotes communication with other planes of existence. Enhances precognition and inner knowing. A crystal of unconditional love - a stone to heal the healer.
Establishing joy, balance, and harmony. Spiritual Detoxification
Purple Fluorite is “pure peace”. It is “luminous light and love. Aids in decision-making. Enhances the ability to see the “flow” of a situation and clear negative energies.
Adjust to Change - Fulfill Goals
Helps us find solutions and alternatives. Carry when facing confrontation. Grounding and helps us eliminate procrastination.
MOHS 6.5 - 7
Detoxing Body and Mind
Promotes grounding, encourages justice, and stimulates intuitive insights. “The blood of mother earth”
MOHS 6.5 - 7
Fearless and Creative - Regain Your Power
Encourages us to face our fears and grow, spiritually and emotionally.
Increases motivation, intuition, and business profits. Pursue dreams with confidence.
Strength and Protection
Enhances confidence and self-esteem. Helps provide motivation. A stone of passion and stimulation.
MOHS 6.5 - 7
Protects the Root Chakra
Gives a broader view - brings vitality for moving forward towards a brighter future. Brings back personal fire.
MOHS 3.5 - 4
Compassion and unconditional love
Show us how to be compassionate to ourselves and others; alleviates trust issues from built up walls due to past emotional hurts.
MOHS 5.5 - 6.5
Emotional Recovery from Past Hurts
Lifts the heart, helps us recover from past trauma and bring down the barriers that may be holding us back. Dismantle negative self-worth.
Unconditional Love
Rose Quartz is the stone of universal love. It restores trust and harmony in relationships, encouraging unconditional love. Rose Quartz purifies and opens the heart at all levels to promote love, self-love, friendship, deep inner healing and feelings of peace.
The "Illuminator"
A variety of quartz containing needle-like inclusions of rutile, a mineral composed primarily of titanium dioxide (dark to black rutiles) and iron oxide (gold or reddish rutiles). Illuminator for the soul, promoting spiritual growth. It cleanses and energizes. Said to be, "the connector of all chakras in the human body, and the crystal that will connect your entire being to the divine, from root to crown."
Pursuer of Dreams
Helps us to recognize our highest potential and go after our dreams with a renewed energy and zest.
Pure White Light - Cleanses all
Helps restore the spirit and cleanses the environment surrounding us from negative energies. Cleanses other stones as well. An amazing stone for working with and shifting energy. The stones and gemstone jewelry containing Selenite are made to help us open up to higher frequencies and messages from the universe.
MOHS 2.5 - 3.5
Healing and Balancing
Helps direct healing energy toward problem areas. Helps us feel more in control of our lives by correcting emotional imbalances. Serpentine has been used for issues with glucose and intolerance. It is said to eliminate parasites within the body, and aid in the absorption of calcium and magnesium.
Healing emotion/spiritual mind, love
It is used to bring patience and perseverance to the wearer. When silver is used with gemstones, the metal retains and amplifies the qualities emitted by the stones.
MOHS 5 - 6
Balances Body, Mind, and Spirit
Hope and faith during dark times. Aids coming to terms with and releasing old trauma and/or emotions that no longer serve.
MOHS 5.5 - 6
Confidence and Clarity
Symbolizes ocean waves. Rinses the body of toxic vibes of fear and guilt. Claims confidence and emotional intelligence. Opens communication.
MOHS 3.5 - 4
Unlock Our Full Potential
Activates the lower 3 chakras. Deeply enhances courage, drive, and focus. Helps us recognize deceitful practices in others (and ourselves). Attracts more of the same energy that you put out.
Confident Love of Self and Others
Promotes self-love and self-confidence. It has a strong vibration which helps attract love and stimulate a flow of happiness and joyful experiences.
MOHS 6.5 - 7.5
Passion, Creativity, Determination
Helps revitalize body and mind. Restores our passion for life. Ignites the fire within and aids in transforming our lives.
The "Radiation of Life"
This stone has a vibration frequency ranging from 0.1 to 30THz which lies between that of microwaves and far infrared light which corresponds with frequencies found in our bodies and in abundance in the universe.
This stone has been credited with eliminating headache, and knee and hip pain, assisting with peaceful sleep, firming the skin and removing lymph blockages in the body. Due to its long wavelength, it is said to help improve circulation as well as eliminate blood clots.
MOHS 5 - 6
Self Confidence, Inner Strength, Bravery
Relieves anxiousness, worry, and fear. Helps us break free from the latches of sorrow and resentment allowing positivity to enter.
The "Great Balancer"
Stay rooted, connected and positive. Deal with emotional chaff when blockages are released.
MOHS 5 - 6
Seeking Truth, Communicating, Public Speaking
Helpful for social anxiousness and confidence in communicating. Reduces overall stress and worry. Helps us voice our thoughts and opinions as well as being credited with bringing luck, wisdom, peace, and protection.
MOHS 6 - 7
Balance, Grounding, Motivating
Brings emotions and spirituality together. Allows us to live in the “now”. A stone of clear vision and motivation.
MOHS 6.5 - 7
Happy Life
Symbolized longevity and elevates the mood. Enhances intuition. Brings good fortune, confidence, and positivity. Opens doors of possibilities.
MOHS 5-7
Purification and Strength
Represents enlightenment, knowledge, and purification. It purifies energy and is considered a powerful strengthening stone. It was traditionally used as an amulet for divine protection.
Say Yes to a Positive Outlook
Self Confidence and Hope
Effective at clearing out old energy patterns and supporting inner confidence while adding joy and light to your thoughts. Promotes optimism.
Say Yes to a Positive Outlook
Tune into psychic abilities, balance energies. Aids working towards the common good. Aids in decision making with clear and positive intent. Enhances the ability to see the “flow” of a situation and clear negative energies.
Truth and Perception
UV Reactive – appears to be filled with pockets of deep orange fire. Releases anger and negative thoughts; helps fight fears and phobias. It creates a clear and perceptive mind, allowing us to find inner peace. Helps us find self-expression while allowing for discovery of our unique talents.
MOHS 6.5 - 7
The "Warrior Stone"
Traditionally worn for protection by tribal priests. Said to boost endurance and energy. Avoid overthinking and spurs us to action.
MOHS 4 - 5
The result of the chemical reaction between volcanic ash and salt (or fresh) water.
Connected with both the elements of water and fire, Zeolites can help us find balance within the masculine and feminine aspects of our being. This is why they are great for anyone feeling a bit out of sorts or disconnected from their inner spirit. Zeolites are commonly used in Reiki healing. Zeolites are said to exude a soothing, peaceful energy due to their strong water energy, however their volcanic history also means that they are believed to also contain contrasting fire energy, which can provide one with boosts of joy, passion, and motivation.
They are known for their ability to clear out the mental clutter and psychic smog; making them beneficial for those starting a new project or wanting to feel more focused and productive.
These healing crystals are amazing at releasing toxins that also include toxins of drugs and alcohol. Therefore, it is also used by people seeking to quit such addictions. Zeolite helps in releasing the remainders of alcohol and drugs in your blood and encourages you to stay away from such toxins.
**MOHS is a standard by which minerals are measured for hardness, on a scale of 1 - 10 with 1 being very soft and 10 being the hardest. For example: Diamonds are 10 on the MOHS Scale; Talc is 1 on this scale.
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